2023 Freshmen Day

 To get Freshmen acclimated to the high school environment SGA held the annual freshmen day event this past Tuesday. As you walked into the building you were welcomed by cheering, music, and an army of WPHS students. This may have been a scary first moment, some like Bella Maviama, 9 only had one word to describe her first moments inside Pace High “Scared”. Participants rotate around ­to different locations on campus like the gym, chorus room, cheer room, media center, and take a tour to see the rest of the key locations on the Pace High campus. tthe end of the day all students gathered in the gym to hear from Dr. Julia Garcia and to see what a pep rally is like. Other Freshman like Kylie Pippin,9 had a different day than most. She worked with SGA to help her fellow classmates have a great day. “I was worried when I learned I would not be able to participate in my freshman day because I was able to see the whole process and gain more knowledge. During the day I welcomed people into the building, lead people to different stations, helped with lunches, and distributed t-shirts. In the end it was a great day. “Many people who attended freshmen day say that it helped them get ready for the first day of school.


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